I'm Keiler,
I build stuff with bits.
I’m a frontend developer who loves problem solving and a decent bourbon. My current focus is building delightful and performant user experiences for the web.
I first started programming after an abrupt end to my amateur sports career. Not quite sure what to do with myself, I took a handful of courses online, one of which was Harvard’s CS50: Introduction to Computer Science. I was immediately hooked. That seemingly anything could emerge from a well-ordered collection of zeroes and ones felt, and still feels, like magic.
While I’ve spent most of my time since that first ‘Hello, world!’ focused on the frontend — learning technologies from basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to meta-frameworks like Next.js — I’m constantly growing my skillset. Presently, I’m diving into the backend with Express.js and PostgreSQL.
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Next.js
- Git / GitHub
- Netlify